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This page was generated using data obtained on 2024-10-10. Please, send me a message if you want it updated!

Remember to check whether edits make sense! All reports are on this page because these tasks require human judgment to verify whether the proposed edit makes sense. Some proposed edits will be wrong, in such case they should be not done and problem reported

should use a secondary wikipedia tag - linking from wikipedia and wikidata tag to a sports competition

linked wikidata entry (Q11913321)(Ultra Pirineu article) is about a sports competition, so it is very unlikely to be correct
subject:wikipedia=* tag would be probably better (see for full list of what else may be applicable)
in case of change remember to add such prefix (or remove) wikidata tag if it is present
object categorised by Wikidata - wrong classification may be caused by wrong data on Wikidata
Cavalls del Vent - an affected OSM element that may be improved

overpass query usable in JOSM that will load all objects where this specific error is present:
[out:xml][timeout:3600]; ( relation(1416072)['wikidata'='Q11913321']; ); (._;>;); out meta qt;//['should use a secondary wikipedia tag - linking from wikipedia and wikidata tag to a sports competition']

should use a secondary wikipedia tag - linking from wikipedia and wikidata tag to a public transport network

linked wikidata entry (Q2880157)(Línea R14 article) is about a public transport network, so it is very unlikely to be correct
subject:wikipedia=* or operator:wikipedia tag would be probably better (see for full list of what else may be applicable)
in case of change remember to add such prefix (or remove) wikidata tag if it is present
object categorised by Wikidata - wrong classification may be caused by wrong data on Wikidata
R14: Barcelona - Estació de França - Lleida-Pirineus (via Reus) - an affected OSM element that may be improved

linked wikidata entry (Q6018166)(Línea R13 article) is about a public transport network, so it is very unlikely to be correct
subject:wikipedia=* or operator:wikipedia tag would be probably better (see for full list of what else may be applicable)
in case of change remember to add such prefix (or remove) wikidata tag if it is present
object categorised by Wikidata - wrong classification may be caused by wrong data on Wikidata
R13: Barcelona-Estació de França - Lleida-Pirineus via Valls - an affected OSM element that may be improved

linked wikidata entry (Q6018166)(Línea R13 article) is about a public transport network, so it is very unlikely to be correct
subject:wikipedia=* or operator:wikipedia tag would be probably better (see for full list of what else may be applicable)
in case of change remember to add such prefix (or remove) wikidata tag if it is present
object categorised by Wikidata - wrong classification may be caused by wrong data on Wikidata
R13: Lleida-Pirineus - Barcelona-Estació de França via Valls - an affected OSM element that may be improved

linked wikidata entry (Q2880157)(Línea R14 article) is about a public transport network, so it is very unlikely to be correct
subject:wikipedia=* or operator:wikipedia tag would be probably better (see for full list of what else may be applicable)
in case of change remember to add such prefix (or remove) wikidata tag if it is present
object categorised by Wikidata - wrong classification may be caused by wrong data on Wikidata
R14: Lleida-Pirineus (via Reus) - Barcelona-Estació de França - an affected OSM element that may be improved

overpass query usable in JOSM that will load all objects where this specific error is present:
[out:xml][timeout:3600]; ( relation(1964024)['wikidata'='Q2880157']; relation(6023370)['wikidata'='Q6018166']; relation(6025714)['wikidata'='Q6018166']; relation(6028362)['wikidata'='Q2880157']; ); (._;>;); out meta qt;//['should use a secondary wikipedia tag - linking from wikipedia and wikidata tag to a public transport network']

wikipedia wikidata mismatch

wikidata and wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q17615352 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Casa Girvàs' to 'Llista de topònims d'Abella de la Conca').
Casa Girvàs - an affected OSM element that may be improved

wikidata and wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q23995898 vs Q15090 wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article)
Lleida - an affected OSM element that may be improved

wikidata and wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q11912104 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Cap de l'Alt de Baiarri' to 'Llista de topònims de Conca de Dalt').
Cap de l'Alt de Baiarri - an affected OSM element that may be improved

wikidata and wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q17481243 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Tuc d'Angost' to 'Llista de topònims de Bausen').
Tuc d'Angost - an affected OSM element that may be improved

wikidata and wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q11935944 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Mas de l'Hort' to 'Llista de topònims de Pinós').
Mas de l'Hort - an affected OSM element that may be improved

wikidata and wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q11954759 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Vilalta de Vallmanya' to 'Llista de topònims de Pinós').
Vilalta de Vallmanya - an affected OSM element that may be improved

wikidata and wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q17481534 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Cap de la Cana' to 'Llista de topònims de la Vall de Boí').
Cap de la Cana - an affected OSM element that may be improved

wikidata and wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q17481601 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Puig Castellar (Biosca)' to 'Llista de topònims de Biosca').
Puig Castellar - an affected OSM element that may be improved

wikidata and wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q11946017 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Roca de la Pena' to 'Llista de topònims de Fígols i Alinyà').
Roca de la Pena - an affected OSM element that may be improved

wikidata and wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q11945991 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Roca de Perles' to 'Llista de topònims de Fígols i Alinyà').
Roca de Perles - an affected OSM element that may be improved

wikidata and wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q17482192 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Punta de les Guàrdies' to 'Llista de topònims del Vilosell').
Punta de les Guàrdies - an affected OSM element that may be improved

wikidata and wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q17481464 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has wikidata tag links a redirect (Q17481464 to Q17481271). Note that this OSM object has wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Tossal de Calma' to 'Tossal d'Astell').
Tossal de Calma - an affected OSM element that may be improved

wikidata and wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q17483670 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Tossal de Torena' to 'Llista de topònims de Sort').
Tossal de Torena - an affected OSM element that may be improved

wikidata and wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q17598350 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Collada de Coma Plana' to 'Llista de topònims de Sort').
Collada de Coma Plana - an affected OSM element that may be improved

wikidata and wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q11952905 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Tossalet de la Coma (Sort)' to 'Llista de topònims de Sort').
Tossalet de la Coma - an affected OSM element that may be improved

wikidata and wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q11918919 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Els Altars' to 'Llista de topònims de la Torre de Cabdella').
Bony d'Altars - an affected OSM element that may be improved

wikidata and wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q17481527 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Cap de Cabristà' to 'Llista de topònims de Sort').
Cap de Cabristà - an affected OSM element that may be improved

wikidata and wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q11914581 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Coll del Triador' to 'Llista de topònims de Sort').
Coll del Triador - an affected OSM element that may be improved

wikidata and wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q11914653 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Collada de les Forques' to 'Llista de topònims de Sort').
Collada de les Forques - an affected OSM element that may be improved

wikidata and wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q11952705 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Tossal de Pamano' to 'Llista de topònims de Sort').
Tossal de Pamano - an affected OSM element that may be improved

wikidata and wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q11953316 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Tuc de la Cometa' to 'Llista de topònims de Sort').
Tuc de la Cometa - an affected OSM element that may be improved

wikidata and wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q11933827 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Lo Tossal (Sort)' to 'Llista de topònims de Sort').
lo Tossal - an affected OSM element that may be improved

wikidata and wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q11936056 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Masia de Sorri' to 'Llista de topònims de Llimiana').
Masia de Sorri - an affected OSM element that may be improved

wikidata and wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q18004435 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Mas de Martineu' to 'Llista de topònims de Llimiana').
Mas de Martineu - an affected OSM element that may be improved

wikidata and wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q18004452 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Mas de Serra (Llimiana)' to 'Llista de topònims de Llimiana').
Mas de Serra - an affected OSM element that may be improved

wikidata and wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q11952898 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Tossalet Roi' to 'Llista de topònims de Sort').
Tossalet Roi - an affected OSM element that may be improved

wikidata and wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q17483642 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Bony del Tamborí' to 'Llista de topònims de Sort').
Bony del Tamborí - an affected OSM element that may be improved

wikidata and wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q17593988 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Casa de l'Espona' to 'Llista de topònims de Castell de Mur').
Casa de l'Espona - an affected OSM element that may be improved

wikidata and wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q18004362 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Mas d'en Borrell' to 'Llista de topònims de Tremp').
Mas d'en Borrell - an affected OSM element that may be improved

wikidata and wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q17594614 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Casa l'Agustí (Castissent)' to 'Llista de topònims de Tremp').
Casa l'Agustí - an affected OSM element that may be improved

wikidata and wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q17615308 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Casa Caçador' to 'Llista de topònims de Tremp').
Casa Caçador - an affected OSM element that may be improved

wikidata and wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q17588920 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Cal Seno' to 'Llista de topònims de Gavet de la Conca').
Cal Seno - an affected OSM element that may be improved

wikidata and wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q17595317 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Casa Xinco' to 'Llista de topònims d'Abella de la Conca').
Casa Xinco - an affected OSM element that may be improved

wikidata and wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q17588922 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Cal Solans' to 'Llista de topònims de Gavet de la Conca').
Cal Solans - an affected OSM element that may be improved

wikidata and wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q17481458 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Roca de Cal Gollet' to 'Llista de topònims de Fígols i Alinyà').
Roca de Cal Gollet - an affected OSM element that may be improved

wikidata and wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q17482958 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Roca de Peguera' to 'Llista de topònims de Fígols i Alinyà').
Roca de Peguera - an affected OSM element that may be improved

wikidata and wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q17481295 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Tossal de Balinyó' to 'Llista de topònims de Fígols i Alinyà').
Tossal de Balinyó - an affected OSM element that may be improved

wikidata and wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q17481648 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Tossal de Caup' to 'Llista de topònims de Fígols i Alinyà').
Tossal de Caup - an affected OSM element that may be improved

wikidata and wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q17482364 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Roc de Llenasca' to 'Llista de topònims de Conca de Dalt').
Roc de Llenasca - an affected OSM element that may be improved

wikidata and wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q11952720 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Tossal de Sant Pere (Conca de Dalt)' to 'Llista de topònims de Conca de Dalt').
Tossal de Sant Pere - an affected OSM element that may be improved

wikidata and wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q17483330 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Rocalta (Conca de Dalt)' to 'Llista de topònims de Conca de Dalt').
Rocalta - an affected OSM element that may be improved

wikidata and wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q11952792 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Tossal de la Vinya (Gramuntill)' to 'Llista de topònims de la Pobla de Segur').
Tossal de la Vinya - an affected OSM element that may be improved

wikidata and wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q11912761 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Casa Miquelet' to 'Llista de topònims de Tremp').
Casa Miquelet - an affected OSM element that may be improved

wikidata and wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q17588643 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Cal Cerdà (Bóixols)' to 'Llista de topònims d'Abella de la Conca').
Cal Cerdà - an affected OSM element that may be improved

wikidata and wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q11910724 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Cal Plomall' to 'Llista de topònims d'Abella de la Conca').
Cal Plomall - an affected OSM element that may be improved

wikidata and wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q11910578 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Cal Curt (la Rua)' to 'Llista de topònims d'Abella de la Conca').
Cal Curt - an affected OSM element that may be improved

wikidata and wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q17481671 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Claverol (cim)' to 'Llista de topònims de Conca de Dalt').
Claverol - an affected OSM element that may be improved

wikidata and wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q11935872 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Mas de Ballivell' to 'Llista de topònims de Tremp').
Mas de Ballivell - an affected OSM element that may be improved

wikidata and wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q18004384 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Mas d'Isidro' to 'Llista de topònims de Tremp').
Mas d'Isidro - an affected OSM element that may be improved

wikidata and wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q11936076 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Masia del Caçador' to 'Llista de topònims de Tremp').
Masia del Caçador - an affected OSM element that may be improved

wikidata and wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q11912687 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Casa Auberola' to 'Llista de topònims de Castell de Mur').
Casa Auberola - an affected OSM element that may be improved

wikidata and wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q17594706 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Casa Mariagnet' to 'Llista de topònims de Sant Esteve de la Sarga').
Casa Mariagnet - an affected OSM element that may be improved

wikidata and wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q11912926 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Cases del Pacient' to 'Llista de topònims de Tremp').
Cases del Pacient - an affected OSM element that may be improved

wikidata and wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q11912796 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Casa Serrà' to 'Llista de topònims de Tremp').
Casa Serrà - an affected OSM element that may be improved

wikidata and wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q11930141 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has wikipedia tag that links redirect ('L'Hostalet (Montllobar)' to 'Llista de topònims de Tremp').
l'Hostalet - an affected OSM element that may be improved

wikidata and wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q11930593 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has wikipedia tag that links redirect ('La Masieta (Arbul)' to 'Llista de topònims de Tremp').
la Masieta - an affected OSM element that may be improved

wikidata and wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q17594194 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Casa del Coscó' to 'Llista de topònims de Castell de Mur').
Casa del Coscó - an affected OSM element that may be improved

wikidata and wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q17593887 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Casa Cumons' to 'Llista de topònims de Castell de Mur').
Casa Cumons - an affected OSM element that may be improved

wikidata and wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q11915728 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Corral de la Plana (el Meüll)' to 'Llista de topònims de Castell de Mur').
Corral de la Plana - an affected OSM element that may be improved

wikidata and wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q11948135 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Sellamana' to 'Llista de topònims de Castell de Mur').
Sellamana - an affected OSM element that may be improved

wikidata and wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q11910338 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Ca l'Astor' to 'Llista de topònims d'Abella de la Conca').
Ca l'Astor - an affected OSM element that may be improved

wikidata and wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q11912707 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Casa Castells (Talarn)' to 'Llista de topònims de Talarn').
Casa Castells - an affected OSM element that may be improved

wikidata and wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q11941471 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Pic de Guiló' to 'Llista de topònims de Lladorre').
Pic de Guiló - an affected OSM element that may be improved

wikidata and wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q17481529 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Cap de Carreu' to 'Llista de topònims d'Abella de la Conca').
Cap de Carreu - an affected OSM element that may be improved

wikidata and wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q11950140 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Solà de l'Espiguet' to 'Llista de topònims d'Abella de la Conca').
l'Espiguet - an affected OSM element that may be improved

wikidata and wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q17481583 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Tossal de Castalona' to 'Llista de topònims de Sort').
Tossal de Castalona - an affected OSM element that may be improved

wikidata and wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q17483693 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Bony de les Tosques' to 'Llista de topònims de Sort').
Bony de les Tosques - an affected OSM element that may be improved

wikidata and wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q17481854 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Bony de Cucat' to 'Llista de topònims de Sort').
Bony de Cucat - an affected OSM element that may be improved

wikidata and wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q11912819 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Casa de Generosa' to 'Llista de topònims de la Pobla de Segur').
Casa de Generosa - an affected OSM element that may be improved

wikidata and wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q11945865 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Roc de les Creus' to 'Llista de topònims de Conca de Dalt').
Roc de les Creus - an affected OSM element that may be improved

wikidata and wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q11952702 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Tossal de Moradilla' to 'Llista de topònims de Lleida').
Tossal de Moradilla - an affected OSM element that may be improved

wikidata and wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q522934 vs Q107370350 wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article)
Gimenells - an affected OSM element that may be improved

wikidata and wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q11945885 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Roc dels Castellons' to 'Llista de topònims de Fígols i Alinyà').
Roc dels Castellons - an affected OSM element that may be improved

wikidata and wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q17481508 vs Q11945071 wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article)
Puig de la Canal del Cristall - an affected OSM element that may be improved

wikidata and wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q11954754 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Vilalta de Pinós' to 'Llista de topònims de Pinós').
Vilalta de Pinós - an affected OSM element that may be improved

wikidata and wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q11910770 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Cal Serret de la Serra' to 'Llista de topònims d'Abella de la Conca').
Cal Serret - an affected OSM element that may be improved

wikidata and wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q17588640 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Cal Castellí' to 'Llista de topònims d'Isona i Conca Dellà').
Cal Castellí - an affected OSM element that may be improved

wikidata and wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q11911688 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Can Mascaró (Solsona)' to 'Solsona').
Can Mascaró - an affected OSM element that may be improved

wikidata and wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q17593850 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Casa Corral' to 'Llista de topònims de Lladurs').
Casa Corral - an affected OSM element that may be improved

wikidata and wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q17596082 vs Q66191170 wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article)
Castell de Castellmeià - an affected OSM element that may be improved

wikidata and wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q31074537 vs Q847011 wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article)
Paeria de Cervera - an affected OSM element that may be improved

wikidata and wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q11912709 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Casa Colomet' to 'Llista de topònims de Gavet de la Conca').
Casa Colomet - an affected OSM element that may be improved

wikidata and wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q11936032 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Masia d'Agustí' to 'Llista de topònims de Gavet de la Conca').
Masia d'Agustí - an affected OSM element that may be improved

wikidata and wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q11936044 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Masia de Graus' to 'Llista de topònims de Gavet de la Conca').
Masia de Graus - an affected OSM element that may be improved

wikidata and wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q11936058 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Masia de Toló' to 'Llista de topònims de Gavet de la Conca').
Masia de Toló - an affected OSM element that may be improved

wikidata and wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q18005835 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Pomanyons' to 'Llista de topònims de la Baronia de Rialb').
Pomanyons - an affected OSM element that may be improved

wikidata and wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q18005138 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has wikipedia tag that links redirect ('El Noguer (Castellar de la Ribera)' to 'Llista de topònims de Castellar de la Ribera').
el Noguer - an affected OSM element that may be improved

wikidata and wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q11910808 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Cal Vilar (Abella de la Conca)' to 'Llista de topònims d'Abella de la Conca').
Cal Vila - an affected OSM element that may be improved

wikidata and wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q11910582 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Cal Fagina' to 'Llista de topònims d'Abella de la Conca').
Cal Fagina - an affected OSM element that may be improved

wikidata and wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q18003421 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Cal Mateu (Bóixols)' to 'Llista de topònims d'Abella de la Conca').
Cal Mateu - an affected OSM element that may be improved

wikidata and wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q17588847 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Cal Palou (la Torre d'Eroles)' to 'Llista de topònims d'Abella de la Conca').
Cal Palou - an affected OSM element that may be improved

wikidata and wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q11942030 vs Q17593291 wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article)
Plaça de Sant Joan - an affected OSM element that may be improved

wikidata and wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q11920865 vs Q11920931 wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article)
Estany Vidal - an affected OSM element that may be improved

wikidata and wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q17594208 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Casa del Lloreda' to 'Llista de topònims de Balaguer').
Casa del Lloreda - an affected OSM element that may be improved

wikidata and wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q18005843 vs Q110794142 wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article)
Pont d'Espia - an affected OSM element that may be improved

wikidata and wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q11935890 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Mas de Casanova' to 'Llista de topònims de Tremp').
Mas de Casanova - an affected OSM element that may be improved

wikidata and wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q11915731 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Corral de la Via' to 'Llista de topònims de Conca de Dalt').
Corral de la Via - an affected OSM element that may be improved

wikidata and wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q17587937 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Barranc de Ruganyers' to 'Llista de topònims de Conca de Dalt').
Barranc de Ruganyers - an affected OSM element that may be improved

wikidata and wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q17587937 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Barranc de Ruganyers' to 'Llista de topònims de Conca de Dalt').
Barranc de Ruganyers - an affected OSM element that may be improved

wikidata and wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q17587937 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Barranc de Ruganyers' to 'Llista de topònims de Conca de Dalt').
Barranc de Ruganyers - an affected OSM element that may be improved

wikidata and wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q11910436 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Cabana del Teixidor' to 'Llista de topònims de Conca de Dalt').
Cabana del Teixidor - an affected OSM element that may be improved

wikidata and wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q17605055 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Forats' to 'Llista de topònims de Tremp').
Forats - an affected OSM element that may be improved

wikidata and wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q11935892 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Mas de Currolda' to 'Llista de topònims de Gavet de la Conca').
Mas de Currolda - an affected OSM element that may be improved

wikidata and wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q17593795 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Casa Colomina' to 'Llista de topònims de Sant Esteve de la Sarga').
Casa Colomina - an affected OSM element that may be improved

wikidata and wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q18004219 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Cal Llucianet' to 'Solsona').
Cal Llucianet - an affected OSM element that may be improved

wikidata and wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q18004677 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Masia del Batlle (Castissent)' to 'Llista de topònims de Tremp').
Masia del Batlle - an affected OSM element that may be improved

wikidata and wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q18004808 vs Q17595821 wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article)
Miravet d'Arbul - an affected OSM element that may be improved

wikidata and wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q18008058 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Cal Soca' to 'Solsona').
Cal Soca - an affected OSM element that may be improved

wikidata and wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q11939908 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Pallarès Vell' to 'Solsona').
Pallarés Vell - an affected OSM element that may be improved

wikidata and wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q11913874 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Cinglo de les Esplugues' to 'Llista de topònims de Castell de Mur').
Cinglo de les Esplugues - an affected OSM element that may be improved

wikidata and wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q17597443 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Cingle de Cossialls' to 'Llista de topònims de Castell de Mur').
Cingle de Cossialls - an affected OSM element that may be improved

wikidata and wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q11910758 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Cal Sastre Quel' to 'Solsona').
Cal Sastre Quel - an affected OSM element that may be improved

wikidata and wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q18008230 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Sorribes (Pinós)' to 'Llista de topònims de Pinós').
Sorribes - an affected OSM element that may be improved

wikidata and wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q11936015 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Masdartús' to 'Llista de topònims de Llimiana').
Masdartús - an affected OSM element that may be improved

wikidata and wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q18006282 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has wikipedia tag that links redirect ('La Ribereta (Solsona)' to 'Solsona').
La Ribereta - an affected OSM element that may be improved

wikidata and wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q11936041 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Masia de Janot' to 'Llista de topònims de Llimiana').
Masia de Janot - an affected OSM element that may be improved

wikidata and wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q18004049 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Cal Felip (Solsona)' to 'Solsona').
Cal Felip - an affected OSM element that may be improved

wikidata and wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q18008349 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Cal Titarro' to 'Solsona').
Cal Titarro - an affected OSM element that may be improved

wikidata and wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q11910815 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Cal Xacó' to 'Solsona').
Cal Xacó - an affected OSM element that may be improved

wikidata and wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q17588299 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Borda del Rei (Olp)' to 'Llista de topònims de Sort').
Borda del Rei - an affected OSM element that may be improved

wikidata and wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q17588284 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Borda de Noi' to 'Llista de topònims de Sort').
Borda de Noi - an affected OSM element that may be improved

wikidata and wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q17588248 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Borda d'Orteu' to 'Llista de topònims de Sort').
Borda d'Orteu - an affected OSM element that may be improved

wikidata and wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q18004651 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Masia de la Colomera' to 'Llista de topònims de Gavet de la Conca').
Masia de la Colomera - an affected OSM element that may be improved

wikidata and wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q18004662 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Masia del Peret (Barcedana)' to 'Llista de topònims de Gavet de la Conca').
Masia del Peret - an affected OSM element that may be improved

wikidata and wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q11936062 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Masia de l'Escolà' to 'Llista de topònims de Gavet de la Conca').
Masia de l'Escolà - an affected OSM element that may be improved

wikidata and wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q11936036 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Masia de Benetó' to 'Llista de topònims de Gavet de la Conca').
Masia de Benetó - an affected OSM element that may be improved

wikidata and wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q17588772 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Cal Menal' to 'Llista de topònims de Llimiana').
Cal Menal - an affected OSM element that may be improved

wikidata and wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q11910771 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Cal Simó (Llimiana)' to 'Llista de topònims de Llimiana').
Cal Simó - an affected OSM element that may be improved

wikidata and wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q17301199 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Sant Romà (Pinell de Solsonès)' to 'Capella de Sant Romà de Pinell').
Sant Romà - an affected OSM element that may be improved

wikidata and wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q11911385 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Camí de Purredó' to 'Llista de topònims de Castell de Mur').
Camí de Purredó - an affected OSM element that may be improved

wikidata and wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q11909719 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Borda de Moriri' to 'Llista de topònims de Sort').
Borda de Moriri - an affected OSM element that may be improved

wikidata and wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q11909737 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Borda de Sibílio' to 'Llista de topònims de Sort').
Borda de Sibílio - an affected OSM element that may be improved

wikidata and wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q11909705 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Borda de Cucat' to 'Llista de topònims de Sort').
Borda de Cucat - an affected OSM element that may be improved

wikidata and wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q17588647 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Cal Clotar' to 'Llista de topònims d'Isona i Conca Dellà').
Cal Clotar - an affected OSM element that may be improved

wikidata and wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q11910705 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Cal Patxot' to 'Llista de topònims de Gavet de la Conca').
Cal Patxot - an affected OSM element that may be improved

wikidata and wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q11909777 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Borda del Xiriveta' to 'Llista de topònims d'Isona i Conca Dellà').
Borda del Xiriveta - an affected OSM element that may be improved

wikidata and wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q11954766 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Vilamonera' to 'Llista de topònims de la Baronia de Rialb').
Vilamonera - an affected OSM element that may be improved

overpass query usable in JOSM that will load all objects where this specific error is present:
[out:xml][timeout:3600]; ( node(11943084835)['wikidata'='Q17615352']['wikipedia'='ca:Casa Girvàs']; node(124083658)['wikidata'='Q23995898']['wikipedia'='ca:Lleida']; node(1304129288)['wikidata'='Q11912104']['wikipedia'='ca:Cap de l\'Alt de Baiarri']; node(1794115074)['wikidata'='Q17481243']['wikipedia'='ca:Tuc d\'Angost']; node(2149978372)['wikidata'='Q11935944']['wikipedia'='ca:Mas de l\'Hort']; node(2169008471)['wikidata'='Q11954759']['wikipedia'='ca:Vilalta de Vallmanya']; node(2200383787)['wikidata'='Q17481534']['wikipedia'='ca:Cap de la Cana']; node(2391918617)['wikidata'='Q17481601']['wikipedia'='ca:Puig Castellar (Biosca)']; node(2659041611)['wikidata'='Q11946017']['wikipedia'='ca:Roca de la Pena']; node(2659074066)['wikidata'='Q11945991']['wikipedia'='ca:Roca de Perles']; node(2671046650)['wikidata'='Q17482192']['wikipedia'='ca:Punta de les Guàrdies']; node(2995473700)['wikidata'='Q17481464']['wikipedia'='ca:Tossal de Calma']; node(3012633245)['wikidata'='Q17483670']['wikipedia'='ca:Tossal de Torena']; node(3014258687)['wikidata'='Q17598350']['wikipedia'='ca:Collada de Coma Plana']; node(3014258690)['wikidata'='Q11952905']['wikipedia'='ca:Tossalet de la Coma (Sort)']; node(3021851610)['wikidata'='Q11918919']['wikipedia'='ca:Els Altars']; node(3021851611)['wikidata'='Q17481527']['wikipedia'='ca:Cap de Cabristà']; node(3021851613)['wikidata'='Q11914581']['wikipedia'='ca:Coll del Triador']; node(3021851615)['wikidata'='Q11914653']['wikipedia'='ca:Collada de les Forques']; node(3021851616)['wikidata'='Q11952705']['wikipedia'='ca:Tossal de Pamano']; node(3021851617)['wikidata'='Q11953316']['wikipedia'='ca:Tuc de la Cometa']; node(3021851619)['wikidata'='Q11933827']['wikipedia'='ca:Lo Tossal (Sort)']; node(3113186008)['wikidata'='Q11936056']['wikipedia'='ca:Masia de Sorri']; node(3122421768)['wikidata'='Q18004435']['wikipedia'='ca:Mas de Martineu']; node(3123638528)['wikidata'='Q18004452']['wikipedia'='ca:Mas de Serra (Llimiana)']; node(3377573875)['wikidata'='Q11952898']['wikipedia'='ca:Tossalet Roi']; node(3377924383)['wikidata'='Q17483642']['wikipedia'='ca:Bony del Tamborí']; node(3424830693)['wikidata'='Q17593988']['wikipedia'='ca:Casa de l\'Espona']; node(3463523447)['wikidata'='Q18004362']['wikipedia'='ca:Mas d\'en Borrell']; node(3463582055)['wikidata'='Q17594614']['wikipedia'='ca:Casa l\'Agustí (Castissent)']; node(3463629994)['wikidata'='Q17615308']['wikipedia'='ca:Casa Caçador']; node(3489915835)['wikidata'='Q17588920']['wikipedia'='ca:Cal Seno']; node(3494594711)['wikidata'='Q17595317']['wikipedia'='ca:Casa Xinco']; node(3497476191)['wikidata'='Q17588922']['wikipedia'='ca:Cal Solans']; node(3646295732)['wikidata'='Q17481458']['wikipedia'='ca:Roca de Cal Gollet']; node(3646295734)['wikidata'='Q17482958']['wikipedia'='ca:Roca de Peguera']; node(3647465779)['wikidata'='Q17481295']['wikipedia'='ca:Tossal de Balinyó']; node(3655750777)['wikidata'='Q17481648']['wikipedia'='ca:Tossal de Caup']; node(3890754470)['wikidata'='Q17482364']['wikipedia'='ca:Roc de Llenasca']; node(3890754473)['wikidata'='Q11952720']['wikipedia'='ca:Tossal de Sant Pere (Conca de Dalt)']; node(3898700507)['wikidata'='Q17483330']['wikipedia'='ca:Rocalta (Conca de Dalt)']; node(3898700515)['wikidata'='Q11952792']['wikipedia'='ca:Tossal de la Vinya (Gramuntill)']; node(3922173383)['wikidata'='Q11912761']['wikipedia'='ca:Casa Miquelet']; node(3961381493)['wikidata'='Q17588643']['wikipedia'='ca:Cal Cerdà (Bóixols)']; node(3963782163)['wikidata'='Q11910724']['wikipedia'='ca:Cal Plomall']; node(3963931054)['wikidata'='Q11910578']['wikipedia'='ca:Cal Curt (la Rua)']; node(4121869218)['wikidata'='Q17481671']['wikipedia'='ca:Claverol (cim)']; node(4127981258)['wikidata'='Q11935872']['wikipedia'='ca:Mas de Ballivell']; node(4157748524)['wikidata'='Q18004384']['wikipedia'='ca:Mas d\'Isidro']; node(4171746044)['wikidata'='Q11936076']['wikipedia'='ca:Masia del Caçador']; node(4187276193)['wikidata'='Q11912687']['wikipedia'='ca:Casa Auberola']; node(4187326564)['wikidata'='Q17594706']['wikipedia'='ca:Casa Mariagnet']; node(4198723160)['wikidata'='Q11912926']['wikipedia'='ca:Cases del Pacient']; node(4198768549)['wikidata'='Q11912796']['wikipedia'='ca:Casa Serrà']; node(4210849248)['wikidata'='Q11930141']['wikipedia'='ca:L\'Hostalet (Montllobar)']; node(4225419008)['wikidata'='Q11930593']['wikipedia'='ca:La Masieta (Arbul)']; node(4250473028)['wikidata'='Q17594194']['wikipedia'='ca:Casa del Coscó']; node(4250625484)['wikidata'='Q17593887']['wikipedia'='ca:Casa Cumons']; node(4250625485)['wikidata'='Q11915728']['wikipedia'='ca:Corral de la Plana (el Meüll)']; node(4265824100)['wikidata'='Q11948135']['wikipedia'='ca:Sellamana']; node(4282226059)['wikidata'='Q11910338']['wikipedia'='ca:Ca l\'Astor']; node(4328106361)['wikidata'='Q11912707']['wikipedia'='ca:Casa Castells (Talarn)']; node(4341077451)['wikidata'='Q11941471']['wikipedia'='ca:Pic de Guiló']; node(4546856610)['wikidata'='Q17481529']['wikipedia'='ca:Cap de Carreu']; node(4547836240)['wikidata'='Q11950140']['wikipedia'='ca:Solà de l\'Espiguet']; node(4581215351)['wikidata'='Q17481583']['wikipedia'='ca:Tossal de Castalona']; node(4581215352)['wikidata'='Q17483693']['wikipedia'='ca:Bony de les Tosques']; node(4581215353)['wikidata'='Q17481854']['wikipedia'='ca:Bony de Cucat']; node(4871855763)['wikidata'='Q11912819']['wikipedia'='ca:Casa de Generosa']; node(5030773766)['wikidata'='Q11945865']['wikipedia'='ca:Roc de les Creus']; node(5111081524)['wikidata'='Q11952702']['wikipedia'='ca:Tossal de Moradilla']; node(582582935)['wikidata'='Q522934']['wikipedia'='ca:Poble de Gimenells']; node(6810816009)['wikidata'='Q11945885']['wikipedia'='ca:Roc dels Castellons']; node(6833095716)['wikidata'='Q17481508']['wikipedia'='ca:Refugi d\'Ulldeter']; node(9099099067)['wikidata'='Q11954754']['wikipedia'='ca:Vilalta de Pinós']; way(1084561067)['wikidata'='Q11910770']['wikipedia'='ca:Cal Serret de la Serra']; way(1163604934)['wikidata'='Q17588640']['wikipedia'='ca:Cal Castellí']; way(184121601)['wikidata'='Q11911688']['wikipedia'='ca:Can Mascaró (Solsona)']; way(185965927)['wikidata'='Q17593850']['wikipedia'='ca:Casa Corral']; 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way(619493161)['wikidata'='Q11909777']['wikipedia'='ca:Borda del Xiriveta']; way(659338576)['wikidata'='Q11954766']['wikipedia'='ca:Vilamonera']; ); (._;>;); out meta qt;//['wikipedia wikidata mismatch']

invalid old-style wikipedia tag

wikipedia tag in outdated form (brand:wikipedia:-2017), is not using any known language code
Gadcar - an affected OSM element that may be improved

wikipedia tag in outdated form (brand:wikipedia:1992), is not using any known language code
Repsol - an affected OSM element that may be improved

wikipedia tag in outdated form (wikipedia:-2022), is not using any known language code
an affected OSM element that may be improved

overpass query usable in JOSM that will load all objects where this specific error is present:
[out:xml][timeout:3600]; ( node(287005083)['brand:wikipedia:-2017'='fr:Carrefour (enseigne)']; node(654029142)['brand:wikipedia:1992'='es:Campsa']; way(771396924)['wikipedia:-2022'='ca:Embassament de l\'Albagés']; ); (._;>;); out meta qt;//['invalid old-style wikipedia tag']

wikipedia page in unexpected language - ceb is a low quality, bot generated wikipedia - it should not be linked
Port de Baiau - an affected OSM element that may be improved

overpass query usable in JOSM that will load all objects where this specific error is present:
[out:xml][timeout:3600]; ( node(1304116511)['wikidata'!~'.*']['wikipedia'='ceb:Port de Baiau']; ); (._;>;); out meta qt;//['wikipedia tag links bot wikipedia']

Other useful resources

JOSM Wikipedia plugin

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